上述资料及资讯仅供参考, 不应被理解为要约或游说认购或买入任何保单。
重要说明 : 购买人寿保险是一项长期投资。提前退保需要为之付出昂贵的费用,因为退保价值可能低于已经支付的保费。本广告仅为提供一般信息,不涉及具体的投资目标、财务状况以及客户的特别需求。您需要向合格的财务顾问咨询并进行财务分析,才能购买一份适合您的保单。本信息仅供参考,不可视为保险合约。请参阅此保险计划的保单文件,以了解有关保单之确切条例、条规及详情。
+65-67695588(周一-周五 9:00am-6:00pm)
规则与条款(Terms and Conditions):
“保单”是指由NTUC INCOME或中国人寿保险(新加坡)提供的最少第一年的年保费为新元$5,000(或等值的人民币)的期缴保单(“期缴保单”)。
1. 此促销从2016年6月1日起生效,截至ICBC另行通知的日期。
2. 此次促销适用于所有申请保单(如本文所定义)同时被我们保险合作伙伴所批准的ICBC的新老客户。
3. 此促销适用于不少于新元$5,000或人民币¥10,000的新资金定期,且最多金额为第一年年保费2倍的定期。
定期币种 定期促销年利率 最少定期金额最多定期金额
新元 2.18% $5,000 年保费2倍的金额
人民币 4.08% ¥10,000 年保费2倍的金额
4. 符合条件的客户可以选择如下方案:
a) 您可自行选择享受促销定期的时长为6个月或12个月;
b) 您可自行选择享受促销定期的币种为新元或人民币,定期利率取决于定期所选择的币种,以及是否满足最少金额和最多年保费2倍的要求。
5. 第三方不允许作为此促销定期的账户持有人。
6. 是否给予您促销定期利率取决与我们保险合作伙伴是否承保及保单的存续情况。如果客户最后没有成功认购保险产品,或购买成功后不管任何原因于观望期取消,或中途退保,ICBC有权取消客户的促销定期利率,调整为普通优惠利率。
7. 如您在定期到期前以任何理由终止保单,ICBC将以客户实际存款天数,按普通活期储蓄利率计息。
8. 本促销优惠不可与其他促销优惠同时享有,并且不可以与目前任何一个促销活动同时适用。
9. ICBC有权随时延长、 修改、取消本次促销,或修改、增减相关规则与条款,无需提前通知。
10. 此规则与条款与我们ICBC账户条款和奖励规则条款并用。如果出现不相符的情况,此规则条款将优先于其他规则条款。
11. 以上规则与条款受到新加坡法律的管理。参与本促销活动即代表客户同意并接受促销的所有规则和条款,包括规则和条款的补充和修改,。
12. 规则和条款的英文版本与中文版本若有不一致或冲突,以英文版为准。
“ICBC” refers to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Singapore Branch.
“FD” refers to fixed deposit.
“Fresh Funds” refers to funds that do not originate from any existing accounts you have with us. For example, any transfer of funds between ICBC account(s) would not be considered as fresh funds.
“Insurance Policy” refers to any regular premium plan with minimum 1st year annual premium amount of S$5,000 (or RMB equivalent) (“Regular Premium”) underwritten by China life(Singapore) and NTUC INCOME.
1. This Promotion is valid from 1 June 2016 until such date as may be notified by us.
2. This Promotion is applicable to all existing and new ICBC Singapore customers who applied for an Insurance Policy (as defined herein) and have been approved by our selected Insurance Partners.
3. The promotional interest rate is applicable to FD using Fresh Funds with a minimum deposit of SGD $5,000 or RMB ¥10,000 and a maximum deposit of two (2) times of the 1st year annual regular premium amount.
For example,
If you purchased an insurance policy with a regular premium amount of S$5,000, you can deposit up to a maximum amount of S$10,000.
4. Eligible customers may choose:
a) to place FD with us for a duration between a tenure of 6 or 12 months; and
b) to deposit in SGD or RMB regardless of the currency of the Insurance applied for subject to the rates given in accordance to the deposit currency, minimum placement amount and placement of 2 times only.
5. No third party is permitted to be named as the account holder of the FD.
6. The Promotional Interest Rate is given to you subject to the acceptance and the maintenance of the insurance policy at the discretion of our Insurance Partner. If your policy is not accepted or is cancelled for any reason, we reserve the right not to grant you the promotional rate or revert to the prevailing interest rates.
7. If you cancel the insurance prior to the maturity of the FD for whatever reason, the promotional interest rates will be revised to the prevailing current account interest rates.
8. Unless agreed by us, this Promotion may not be combined or taken with any other offers, bundles, or promotions.
9. We may at any time at our absolute discretion, without notice or assigning any reason thereof, delete, vary, supplement, amend or modify any of these terms and conditions and to suspend the Promotion without notice.
10. These Terms and Conditions are to be read together with our ICBC Account Terms, ICBC Rewards Terms and Conditions and Insurance Policy Terms. In the event of inconsistencies between any of them, these terms shall prevail only to the extent of such inconsistency.
11. These Terms and Conditions are governed by Singapore law and by participating in this promotion, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
12. These terms are prepared in Mandarin and English, in the event of inconsistencies, the English version prevails.
存款保险计划(Deposit Insurance Scheme):
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$50,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.
Foreign currency deposits are subject to rate fluctuations and may result in a loss of principal amount invested or lower returns on conversion to home currency.
Life insurance products are not eligible for deposit insurance coverage under the deposit insurance Scheme. They are protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Each member of the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme maintains a register of insured policies it offers. To find out if a policy offered is covered, you can refer to the insurer’s register of the insured policies.
All materials and contents are strictly for information purposes only. This is not intended as an invitation to purchase any insurance products. Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable (if any) may be less than the total premiums paid.
You should carefully consider the suitability of the products before entering into any investment in light of your financial resources, experience, objectives, ability to bear risks and other relevant circumstances. It is your sole responsibility to make your own independent appraisal and decision.
You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase any of the investment products.